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Fucking another man's wife in front of her husband.<br>Yay, it finally happened... in short, right off the bat, yesterday we fucked a woman for three! You won't believe it, but it was the wife of Pasha, my close friend from work. Right at work at the hospital where she works as a nurse. In general, Tanya is 15 years older than her husband, she is 45 years old, and he as it is not difficult to guess 30 years old in the summer. So we are sitting with my brother in the office for physiotherapy procedures and waiting for Pashka, who appointed us a meeting there, explaining that there will be something unusual. - Are you guys ready for the celebration of life??? Why so gloomy? Shchas shortly you will go nuts what I have prepared for us...enthusiastically said Pashok - Tanya come in and....prosloped Pashka And in the office entered his wife, to tell the truth,  [ Bitch] I have long dreamed of hitting her, I really liked her big ass with full thighs. Tanya came in and immediately closed the door on the key and went to us sitting on the couch. When I realized what was going on it was too late, she came right up to my brother and took his hand and directed his hand [ Pocałunek] under her robe between her legs! Pashka stood a meter away and took off his pants and jerked his cock. - Do not worry men...turned to us wifey. Today and now you can do everything you would like to get from the most depraved whore in the world... proudly said Pashka jacking his dick. - Last night, Pasha continued, my wife and I decided to go to live in Peter and before leaving, we wanted to do something we would remember and wanted to do for a long time... Tanya stood silently in front of us and spread her legs a little squatting, kneaded her breasts and continued to drive the whole brush of her brother into her vagina! I did not stay away from the celebration and took out my cock and stood next to the [ bitch] and gave it in the palm of my hand... Tanya began to jerk off immediately, showing all her skill! She was moaning and jerking off, at the same time as on the cock she was thrusting on Kirill's hand. The smell of her cunt already let me know that the woman was flowing like a baby. Then she lay on the floor with her belly down and spread her buttocks... it was clear what she wanted. But Pashka commented still for convincing - So, fuck in turn in the ass until you cum, then me! Is it clear? - How much clearer Pashok...I said and first lay down on this slut! The cock came in quite easily and it was clear that her ass was already fucked up. But at the same time there was an inexpressible feeling of pleasure. I held Tanka's head, lifted her face a little and pulled her up by the neck and [ Orgia] started fucking her in the ass! Her thick lush ass was moving around and I felt my body pounding against her sexy barrels and just gorgeous ass! I fucked and could not believe the happiness that finally the woman on whom I only occasionally jerked off was now lying on the house and obediently and gives herself to be fucked in the most intimate place in the butt! Tightly grabbing Tanya's head I maximally inserted my cock into her and started to cum, while still driving my cock into her ass, after a dozen thrusts I took my cock out and gave my brother the workplace. He unceremoniously drove his cock into Tanya's already fucked ass and with some wild animal grin started to work. Surprisingly, my brother quickly spurted cum into our Tanya's anus, from which she said surprised: - That's it? Come on, just a little more!!! Boys I want sex, are you so weak? - Shut up whore, suddenly shouted Pashka... He came to my wife and put her in the rack that there is a dope vsoderil wife his dick in the ass... He fucked her for about 40 minutes. I was about to ask to give up my seat when Tanya suddenly turned to me: "Are you going to jerk off on the sidelines or will you finally give the lady pleasure? Since the seat behind me was already occupied by my husband in law, the only thing I had to do was to give her a mouthful. Tanya opened her mouth and beckoned me with her tongue and started sucking me off, or rather from Pasha's blows on her ass she only had to put her head on my cock. Such swings ended in about 15 minutes with a violent orgasm. Tanya screamed so that I involuntarily began to cum in her mouth, with cum pouring out of her mouth and lips. I was cumming and cumming, holding her head I wanted to cum down her throat so she would swallow the cum. But since the girl was in ecstasy and was making noise like crazy, then to my regret "on the lips flowed and in the mouth did not get it". Pashka fucked his wife a little more, also took out his cock and jerked it over his wife's face and poured his supply on her face. As I realized that the woman did not like and did not want to swallow our cum and the maximum that we could count on was that we would cum on her face. Of course the sight was surprisingly arousing, on her knees in the office in a medical officer's gown stood a woman with her breasts out and with a face on which there was not a centimeter not smeared with cum. Tanya wiped the cum off her face with her hands and licked her fingers and walked away without saying a word. I would probably never have sex like that again, but now I realized that I had to make a whore out of my wife!
女扮男装<br> [ Мать] 18 岁时在网上认识了一个男人。他很善于交际,我们通信了很久才见面。我们是晚上在我家附近见面的。他开着一辆红色欧宝跑车来接我。我们开车兜了一圈,然后他邀请我去桑拿。我们租了一间贵宾室,里面有两个蒸汽浴室、一个按摩浴缸和一个相当大的游泳池。埃戈尔是个开朗的家伙,看上去大约 30 岁,秃顶,结实,黑发,留着浅浅的胡茬,脖子上挂着一条巨大的链子。而我,个子高高的,但很瘦,留着哈莉-贝瑞(Halle Berry)的发型,屁股圆圆的。他的鬓角上仅有的一点绒毛是当时唯一出现的植被。我一直想尝试和男人做爱,但在此之前,我只和不同的对象玩过游戏)于是,喝了一瓶啤酒后,我们来到蒸汽房,脱衣服时我有点害羞,埃戈尔帮了我一把。他脱下我的裤子,用手抚摸我的臀部。在蒸汽房里,埃戈尔把我放在架子上,让我脸朝下,给我做了一次非常舒服的放松按摩,我终于平静了下来,当他用精油按摩我的臀部和两臀之间时,我甚至发出了轻微的呻吟。当我们离开蒸汽房来到大厅时,我跳进了水池,他走到了桌子旁。当我出来时,有一个惊喜在等着我。他给了我一套漂亮的黑色迷你比基尼式游泳衣和防水眼影。我穿上游泳衣,涂上眼影,我非常喜欢我所看到的。比基尼凸显了我下身的圆润,上衣非常合身,而眼影则彻底改变了我的形象!埃戈尔把我叫到他身边,舒舒服服地坐在椅子上,拉开我腹股沟上的浴巾。我跪坐在他面前,亲吻着他的阴茎。他的阴茎对我来说很大。他勃起的阴茎只有龟头能塞进我的嘴里。我开始移动头部,释放唾液作为润滑。我喜欢他光滑的阴茎、睾丸和腹股沟。我到处亲吻。他把阴茎从我嘴里拿出来,轻拍我的脸颊。它从我的下巴一直顶到我的眼睛。然后他又把它插了进去,开始在我嘴里移动。我注意到他已经进入了一半。然后他把我抱在怀里,让我侧身躺在沙发上,然后在我身后躺下。他拉开我的内裤边缘,给我的屁股和他的阴茎涂上润滑油,然后轻轻地把它插入我的身体。在我 "等等,不要 "的催促下,他慢慢地推进到了一半,并说我应该适应这种感觉。过了几秒钟,他才插得更深,我愣了一下,开始动了起来。我慢慢地适应了,终于感受到了使用玩具时让我兴奋不已的感觉。他开始加快速度,突然完全进入了我的身体。我疼痛难忍,尖叫起来。埃戈尔用手捂住我的嘴,开始呻吟,同时他坚硬的阴茎抽搐着,我感觉到温暖的精液射进了我的身体。他射了很长时间,最后他开始慢慢地抽动,射得很深,几乎把他的阴茎完全拔了出来。他拔出阴茎站了起来,我闭着眼睛躺在那里。疼痛和快感在我的前列腺区域交织着。突然,我闻到了精液的味道,当我睁开眼睛时,我看到了他依然坚硬的阴茎。他想进入我的嘴里,但我闭上了嘴。他坚持着,把龟头移到我的嘴唇上。它闻起来很香,我张开嘴把它含了进去一半。在埃戈尔的要求下,我把嘴唇压在一起,清除了他阴茎表面的一层精液。他开始深入,引起了我的咽反射,但他停了下来,过了一会儿又继续 "猛插" [ Pocałunek] 。虽然很硬,但他几乎完全插了进去,我几乎忍不住了,他又把鸡巴往我喉咙深处移了一点。然后,他把鸡巴拔出来,举起来,把我扔进泳池,跳到我身上,把我拉到他身边。他的阴茎像木桩一样竖起来。这个英俊的男人把我抱在怀里,从前面搂住我,对准我的屁股,他的鸡巴进入了我充满精液、润滑良好的屁股。我在水里很轻,他站着干了我大约 [ Sister] 10 分钟。 他急速地抽插,然后把我抬起来,接着又完全插入,然后把我抬起来。我被他的力量惊呆了!整个过程让我非常兴奋。我看起来就像一个真正的女孩,软弱无力,而这个强壮的男人却自信满满地把我带到了水池里。我的小鸡鸡在我们的身体之间摩擦,我已经准备好射精了。突然,埃戈尔停了下来,把我和我的乳房放在池边,然后从后面进入。我的阴茎自由地悬在空中。他搂着我纤细的腰肢,粗暴地一路插入,我再次感到疼痛。当他出来时,他又用力地完全插入,然后又出来了。埃戈尔开始猛烈地插入我的身体,一直进入,他的大蛋蛋撞击着我坚硬的阴茎。<br>我并没有痛多久,很快就适应了他的抽插,我开始被他强有力的动作和睾丸的感觉所撕裂。我开始射精 精液一滴一滴地溅到池水里。我太紧张了,以至于射精时几乎昏了过去,但几秒钟后,埃戈尔把我翻了过来,从我的脸上方升起,开始把精液射在我的眼睛、脸颊和嘴唇上。喷射的精液重重地打在我身上,埃戈尔的手沿着阴茎轴移动。他开始把阴茎塞进我的嘴里,把所有的精液都涂在上面。我服从了,这是他应得的!他将阴茎完全插入,我忍耐着。他抱着我的头,将阴茎完全插入我的体内,我被精液和口水呛得喘不过气来。当他抽出鸡巴时,他在我脸上轻轻拍了一下,我躺到沙发上,躺了 10 分钟,被我的初恋情人撕扯着,他穿着黑色泳衣,上面沾满了白色的水珠,我的屁股被干得生疼。我的腿都麻了。半小时后,我们清理干净,他开车送我回家。真是太棒了。

Revision as of 06:46, 11 September 2024

Мать 18 岁时在网上认识了一个男人。他很善于交际,我们通信了很久才见面。我们是晚上在我家附近见面的。他开着一辆红色欧宝跑车来接我。我们开车兜了一圈,然后他邀请我去桑拿。我们租了一间贵宾室,里面有两个蒸汽浴室、一个按摩浴缸和一个相当大的游泳池。埃戈尔是个开朗的家伙,看上去大约 30 岁,秃顶,结实,黑发,留着浅浅的胡茬,脖子上挂着一条巨大的链子。而我,个子高高的,但很瘦,留着哈莉-贝瑞(Halle Berry)的发型,屁股圆圆的。他的鬓角上仅有的一点绒毛是当时唯一出现的植被。我一直想尝试和男人做爱,但在此之前,我只和不同的对象玩过游戏)于是,喝了一瓶啤酒后,我们来到蒸汽房,脱衣服时我有点害羞,埃戈尔帮了我一把。他脱下我的裤子,用手抚摸我的臀部。在蒸汽房里,埃戈尔把我放在架子上,让我脸朝下,给我做了一次非常舒服的放松按摩,我终于平静了下来,当他用精油按摩我的臀部和两臀之间时,我甚至发出了轻微的呻吟。当我们离开蒸汽房来到大厅时,我跳进了水池,他走到了桌子旁。当我出来时,有一个惊喜在等着我。他给了我一套漂亮的黑色迷你比基尼式游泳衣和防水眼影。我穿上游泳衣,涂上眼影,我非常喜欢我所看到的。比基尼凸显了我下身的圆润,上衣非常合身,而眼影则彻底改变了我的形象!埃戈尔把我叫到他身边,舒舒服服地坐在椅子上,拉开我腹股沟上的浴巾。我跪坐在他面前,亲吻着他的阴茎。他的阴茎对我来说很大。他勃起的阴茎只有龟头能塞进我的嘴里。我开始移动头部,释放唾液作为润滑。我喜欢他光滑的阴茎、睾丸和腹股沟。我到处亲吻。他把阴茎从我嘴里拿出来,轻拍我的脸颊。它从我的下巴一直顶到我的眼睛。然后他又把它插了进去,开始在我嘴里移动。我注意到他已经进入了一半。然后他把我抱在怀里,让我侧身躺在沙发上,然后在我身后躺下。他拉开我的内裤边缘,给我的屁股和他的阴茎涂上润滑油,然后轻轻地把它插入我的身体。在我 "等等,不要 "的催促下,他慢慢地推进到了一半,并说我应该适应这种感觉。过了几秒钟,他才插得更深,我愣了一下,开始动了起来。我慢慢地适应了,终于感受到了使用玩具时让我兴奋不已的感觉。他开始加快速度,突然完全进入了我的身体。我疼痛难忍,尖叫起来。埃戈尔用手捂住我的嘴,开始呻吟,同时他坚硬的阴茎抽搐着,我感觉到温暖的精液射进了我的身体。他射了很长时间,最后他开始慢慢地抽动,射得很深,几乎把他的阴茎完全拔了出来。他拔出阴茎站了起来,我闭着眼睛躺在那里。疼痛和快感在我的前列腺区域交织着。突然,我闻到了精液的味道,当我睁开眼睛时,我看到了他依然坚硬的阴茎。他想进入我的嘴里,但我闭上了嘴。他坚持着,把龟头移到我的嘴唇上。它闻起来很香,我张开嘴把它含了进去一半。在埃戈尔的要求下,我把嘴唇压在一起,清除了他阴茎表面的一层精液。他开始深入,引起了我的咽反射,但他停了下来,过了一会儿又继续 "猛插" Pocałunek 。虽然很硬,但他几乎完全插了进去,我几乎忍不住了,他又把鸡巴往我喉咙深处移了一点。然后,他把鸡巴拔出来,举起来,把我扔进泳池,跳到我身上,把我拉到他身边。他的阴茎像木桩一样竖起来。这个英俊的男人把我抱在怀里,从前面搂住我,对准我的屁股,他的鸡巴进入了我充满精液、润滑良好的屁股。我在水里很轻,他站着干了我大约 Sister 10 分钟。 他急速地抽插,然后把我抬起来,接着又完全插入,然后把我抬起来。我被他的力量惊呆了!整个过程让我非常兴奋。我看起来就像一个真正的女孩,软弱无力,而这个强壮的男人却自信满满地把我带到了水池里。我的小鸡鸡在我们的身体之间摩擦,我已经准备好射精了。突然,埃戈尔停了下来,把我和我的乳房放在池边,然后从后面进入。我的阴茎自由地悬在空中。他搂着我纤细的腰肢,粗暴地一路插入,我再次感到疼痛。当他出来时,他又用力地完全插入,然后又出来了。埃戈尔开始猛烈地插入我的身体,一直进入,他的大蛋蛋撞击着我坚硬的阴茎。
我并没有痛多久,很快就适应了他的抽插,我开始被他强有力的动作和睾丸的感觉所撕裂。我开始射精 精液一滴一滴地溅到池水里。我太紧张了,以至于射精时几乎昏了过去,但几秒钟后,埃戈尔把我翻了过来,从我的脸上方升起,开始把精液射在我的眼睛、脸颊和嘴唇上。喷射的精液重重地打在我身上,埃戈尔的手沿着阴茎轴移动。他开始把阴茎塞进我的嘴里,把所有的精液都涂在上面。我服从了,这是他应得的!他将阴茎完全插入,我忍耐着。他抱着我的头,将阴茎完全插入我的体内,我被精液和口水呛得喘不过气来。当他抽出鸡巴时,他在我脸上轻轻拍了一下,我躺到沙发上,躺了 10 分钟,被我的初恋情人撕扯着,他穿着黑色泳衣,上面沾满了白色的水珠,我的屁股被干得生疼。我的腿都麻了。半小时后,我们清理干净,他开车送我回家。真是太棒了。