Palatul Bancii Marmorosch Blank

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Palatul Bancii Marmorosch Blank (Google Maps)[edit | edit source]

Adresa: Str. Doamnei Nr. 4 Ani in existenta: (1915-1923) - Prezent
Adresa alternativa: | Str. Paris Nr. 4 *Bănci
Arhitect: Google Maps

Strada Doamnei 4, București 030167, Romania

The Marmorosch Blank Bank Palace was built between 1915-1923, in a neo-Romanian style, with Byzantine and Gothic influences. The building is on the list of historical monuments of Bucharest. The construction was commissioned by Marmorosch Bank, Blank & Co, one of the most important Romanian banking institutions of the 1920s, owned by Iacob Marmoroch and Mauriciu Blank.

The Marmoroch Bank operated in the building until its nationalization in 1949. Subsequently, the Investment Bank was headquartered there, and after the Revolution in 1989, the Romanian Development Bank. In 1993 the building was extended to Eugeniu Carada Street.

Having no destination for several years, the Marmorosch Blank Bank Palace underwent a restoration process and was transformed into a luxury hotel, inaugurated in August 2021.


Marmorosch Blank

Marmorosch Blank